About Pink Rabbit
I am PinkRabbit and I paint pink rabbits. That´s why I ´m PinkRabbit…pretty logical , isn´t it? ? I created figure of PinkRabbit in time when I felt worst. In time when I used to wake up at noon and go to bed at 4 p.m. because it was more endurable to sleep than stay awake with my thoughts…Actually, I created PinkRabbit short time after this period of time. Because in that period I was not able to do anything. PinkRabbit is a symbol of new beggining for me. He became my medium, my tool. Medium that helped me to get out of my head all the crap i needed to get out…. And now I reflect my world through him and thanks to him. The world I live, the world I see around me… The world I am a part of and I love the most …. as well as the world I want to run away from… PinkRabbit is my therapy… Piece of my soul… Through my paintings and artworks I´m uncovering those parts of myself I cover the most… Things I don´t want to tell… i don´t know to tell… but i need to tell and get out of me. It´s uncovering of my real self…Real self often covered behind sunglasses because eyes are like gate to the soul and I hardly let people have a look into mine( choose carefully people who can have a look into my soul)… you know , I´m kind of a guy who will never grow up and I am glad for that :)…My paintings and artworks could seem simple, primitive, childish and naive but they are not… They are reflections of adult world portrayed in a childish way … they are full of well-known characters and items, full of metaphors and full of hidden truths… And they are the only way I can and I want to express myself…There is no right way how to look at my artworks but i will tell you one thing my friend…Eyes , however great and awesome they are ( especially women´s ones ?) they can be pretty treacherous… So try to have a look at my work through all your being, close your eyes for a while and maybe you will see what I see… The world around us…the world I dispise a good bit but I am a part of at the same time and facsinates me in some strange way…Look carefullly and use your fantasy my friend ? you will have a lot of opportunities to do that ? Thank you for your time … as it is the most valuable thing that one man can give to another … It´s my pleasure to invite to my world… Have fun! And don´t take life too seriously… Life is a vacation so enjoy each day you have gotten … ? Less